Funeral Printing
There are many different options when it comes to Funeral Memorial Printing.
What Knots, Bacchus Marsh Printers in conjunction with Michael Crawford Funerals
offer a range of different options including:
- Bookmarks
- Order of Service Books
- Santini Cards
- Folded Cards
You can customise with your choice of colours, backgrounds, pictures, poems, wording, etc.
They also specialise in Picture Framing and are able to assist you in printing and framing your favourite image to display on the Casket or at the Funeral Service.
What Knots are available to assist you at their premises: 39 Fisken Street, Bacchus Marsh.
Phone: (03) 5367 6278.
Email: admin@whatknots.com.au
Website: www.whatknots.com.au/memorial-printing
For more information as well as pricing, please click on the file below: